And that's how Ann not only performed a real-life version of Tony's most beloved illusion...but was responsible for the first recorded instance of a Christian straight-to-gay conversion.

Tony Wonder: Did somebody say "wonder?"

Narrator: Nobody did, that time, but I think he got away with it.

Good Bye, Annyong.

Michael: Oh my God. I'm dating Ron Howard's girlfriend.
Narrator: Actually, she's his daughter. But that's kind of worse, don't you think?

It was Arrested Development.

Although George Michael had only got to second base, he'd gone in head first, like Pete Rose.

Michael: Hey, are you scared of a monster?
George Michael: Kind of.
Narrator: It was the monster called lust, to which he had recently succumbed.

Soon, George Michael went to Ann's to try to win her back. But her Uncle Paul told him that Ann had moved in with her boyfriend. He also mentioned that we all only had 3 more weeks on earth and that fossils were just something the Jews buried in 1924.

Lucille: (to the hot sailors) You boys know how to shovel coal?
Narrator: I don't even want to tell you what these guys thought that meant.

Tobias: Well, I am off to buy the perfect present. Maybe she'd like a suit like this.
Narrator: That is her suit.
Tobias: Eh, they probably don't make it in a women's, though.
Narrator: They only make it in a women's.

Adelaide: Take a single step to share your love, Gary. (The disabled guy takes a step) Ahh! Faker! (slaps him in the face and Gary falls down)
Narrator: She was wrong on that one. It was love that make Gary take that step.

(Michael is talking to Nellie)
Narrator: Hey, let's see what some of the other folks are up to.
(Shot of George Michael doing homework)
Narrator: Nothing there.
(Shot of George, Sr. clipping his toenails)
Narrator: Or there.
(Shot of Buster's nurse getting into bed with him)
Narrator: Oh, my ... Let's get back to Michael.

Arrested Development Quotes

I don't want no part of yo' tired ass country club, ya freak bitch!

Franklin (Buster)

George Michael: Is that a screenplay? Warden Gentles' screenplay?
Maeby: That's what you're going to tell me.