Haley: Hi, nice to meet you.
Felix Taggaro: Girl, you are totally fine.
Haley: Dude I'm totally married.
Felix: Really? Who's the father?
Nathan: Little close aren't you?
Felix: Oh, guess it's you.

Nathan: Where are you going?
Haley: Well you know I said tonight was educational. Well, Honey, you're gonna love the homework.

Nathan: How was your shower?
Hayley: It was educational.
Nathan: Oh really, what'd you learn?
Haley: Nothing I don't already know... you're the one that I want.
Nathan: Yeah, me too.

Lucas: It's funny, you know all these years we called him Skills, I always thought it had something to do with basketball.
Nathan: That's not funny.
Lucas: Kinda funny.

Hayley: Alright. I'm off. All the important numbers are by the phone... police, fire, pimps.
Nathan: Thanks for worrying about us.
Haley: I'm not worried about you. Have your fun, just remember, you're married now.

Lucas: I think everybody...knows that Nathan and I got off to a pretty sketchy start. Nathan; mutual hatred sound about right?
Nathan: Worse.

Haley: Hi. I had the strangest dream; I dreamt we actually got married yesterday.
Nathan: That's weird... I had the same dream.

Mouth: Did I mention I have a girlfriend?
Gigi: Cool. I do too. Sometimes.

Haley: Stop it.
Nathan: What?
Haley: You're embarrassing me.
Nathan: Why not?
Haley: Because we're in High School.
Nathan: So what, I'm emancipated.
Haley: Is this about sex, because I want to wait.
Nathan: No I can see you caved in on that one already.
Haley: Well maybe so ... Nathan, couples don't get married in high school. Its just, it's not normal.

Haley: You said they weren't real.
Nathan: They aren't.
Haley: This hurts me, Nathan.
Nathan: I get that. It's just a fantasy.
Haley: Was Peyton just a fantasy?

Nathan: That's just ... Well, I just stumbled on that, so it's no big deal.
Haley: What about the other half a dozen sites you stumbled on and bookmarked? Nathan, it's hard enough for me to compete with all the girls at school. What, now I have to be a porn star?
Nathan: No. These girls aren't real.

Clay: Season is over Nate.
Nathan: For some guys, but me...it's pre-season for next year.
Clay: See that's why I love being your agent.

One Tree Hill Quotes

I found my other half.


Jerry: Dude, were you really just plunging toilets?
Mouth: Yeah, we really gotta stop serving tamales at happy hour.
Jerry: You know how guys are, huh?
Mouth: It was the girls' bathroom.