I'm a wooden tool that wears body spray.

Nathan: Nice summer night with a bottle of wine.
Quinn: Yeah, if I were Taylor, it'd totally be on.

Nathan: Hales, look. A single afternoon together and not one punch thrown.
Haley: Lucas, can I talk to Nathan alone, please?
Lucas: Sure.
Nathan: What's up?
Haley: I was doing some research on the internet, and I found what my boyfriend's been studying.

Hayley: Nathan, you're soaked. What are you doing here?
Nathan: I went for a run. I guess this is where I ended up. Haley, those pictures of Peyton don't mean anything. I saved those when we were still dating. I guess I should have gotten rid of them.
Haley: Is that it?

Haley: Nathan, I know I'm driving you crazy.
Nathan: No, you're not.
Haley: Do you think that I'm a tease?
Nathan: Stop it.
Haley: Well what do you think?
Nathan: I think that you're my girlfriend, and I like to spend time with you.

Nathan: Putting my son to work?
Brooke: Absolutely! Clothes Over Bros has a long history of child labor.

Jamie: Why is she lying?
Nathan: Because bad people forget the difference between right and wrong, and they like to take advantage of good people.

I'm a professional basketball player; girls get a hold of my email and my cell phone number all the time. And when they contact me I call them back to tell them stop because I'm happily married to a woman who loves and trusts me. But I guess that was a lie, because she doesn't trust me.

If you think I'm capable of that, you do what you have to do. But I can guarantee you if you've lost faith in me, all the money in the world isn't going to fix it.

Peyton: (shows Haley dressed in cheerleader outfit to Brooke) Ta-da!
Brooke: Tutor girl, you look bitching.
Haley: Yeah, I kind of do, don't I?
Brooke: Now, get your suit hot tub therapy, both of you.
Nathan: Haley? What are you doing?
Haley: I'm kind of filling in for Teresa.
Nathan: Works for me. I gotta thing for cheerleaders.
Haley: Oh, yeah.

Nathan: It's been a good life, huh?
Haley: It's been a wonderful life.

You know the first memory I have is sitting in my father's lap holding a basketball. I spent my entire life trying to get me to the NBA, now he's gonna take it away.

One Tree Hill Quotes

I found my other half.


Jerry: Dude, were you really just plunging toilets?
Mouth: Yeah, we really gotta stop serving tamales at happy hour.
Jerry: You know how guys are, huh?
Mouth: It was the girls' bathroom.