Belinda Bittaker: You can sneer at me all you'd like.
Patrick Jane: I will, thank you.

I'm happy to wait here. I'm not your dog. Jackass.

Lena Abbott: Dennis tells me you have one of the trickiest and most devious minds he's worked with.
Patrick Jane: He did, did he? Well I didn't come here to be flattered but go on.

Luck is the planning you don’t see.

Teresa Lisbon: You can't keep pulling me from the path of oncoming trains.
Patrick Jane: Yeah, why not?
Teresa Lisbon: Because there's always new trains coming.

Officer: So you are Patrick Jane?
Patrick Jane: All day, every day, unfortunately.

Patrick Jane: You knew I’d be back.
Teresa Lisbon: No, I didn’t. I can’t read minds.

I’m working through something and I just need space to think. I can’t soldier on like you, Lisbon.

I don’t think you’re a fraud. I know you’re a fraud.

I came in here to figure out if you were just a fraud or if you were a monster.

Teresa Lisbon: I need to know that you're not going to run away again.
Patrick Jane: I won't.
Teresa Lisbon: I need to know that you're committed to this. To us.
Patrick Jane: I am, that's why I want to do this.

Well he is stealing blood from a corpse. He's got to be doing something weird with it.

The Mentalist Quotes

Lisbon: How are the kids?
Rigsby: Sticky mostly.

Jane: You look marginally rested.
Lisbon: I was hoping to actually get to REM sleep tonight.