Brooke: Now I know how this dress looks on a witch.
Peyton: Go Brooke yourself.

Peyton: I love you Jake, I do, and you know that I love Jenny; so maybe that's enough.
Jake: I think that only in fairy tales that's enough Peyton.
Peyton: You know, someone told me once that there's nothing wrong with fairy tales, because everybody lives happily ever after.
Jake: Okay, listen to me, you can't just fly into Savannah and then get into my head all over again, tell me you want to stay and then ask me to marry you.
Peyton: Well, why not?
Jake: Because, I might just say yes.

I spent a lot of time being miserable, Jake. It's like misery is an old friend. And it tricks you sometimes into thinking that it's just always gonna be there and that you can't be happy. But you can, you can walk away from pain. And I think being in love's the best way to do it.

Every song ends, but is that any reason not to enjoy the music?

Peyton (to Jake)

Someone once told me, Every song has an ending Jake, but is that any reason not to enjoy the music?


My pen is the barrel of a gun. Remind me which side you should be on.


Peyton: You're always saving me.
Lucas: Somebody has got to.
Peyton: If I say I Love You right now will you hold it against me because I've lost a lot of blood. Come here.

Luke, it was your friend. The one from the time capsule. He had the gun. But he didn't look evil, or angry- he just looked scared.


Brooke: Ahem.
Peyton: Hey, Brooke
Brooke: Don't 'hey, Brooke' me. What is up with you and Hottie McHottie?
Peyton: Who? McWhat?
Brooke: Don't even try it. Please, the Fall Out Boy? I can spot him hitting - on - you from a mile away, and you were definitely returning fire.
Peyton: We talked for like 10 seconds.
Brooke: So you move fast. You should ask him to check you for lumps.
Peyton: Okay, not funny.
Brooke: What? he's a musician. He's got to have good hands.

You never worked so hard for anything in your life, except your fake ID!

Lucas: Are you drunk?
Peyton: Are you wearing eye-shadow?

Say hi to my mom... Mom.


One Tree Hill Quotes

I found my other half.


Jerry: Dude, were you really just plunging toilets?
Mouth: Yeah, we really gotta stop serving tamales at happy hour.
Jerry: You know how guys are, huh?
Mouth: It was the girls' bathroom.