Peyton: So The Davis loves Lucas huh?
Brooke: I really really do love that big piece of sexy.

(voiceover) At this moment there are 6,470,818,671 people in the world. Some are running scared. Some are coming home. Some tell lies to make it through the day. Others are just now facing the truth. Some are evil men, at war with good. And some are good, struggling with evil. Six billion people in the world. Six billion souls. And sometimes - all you need is one.

Lucas: Peyton, you gotta talk to me. What's going on with you?
Peyton: I've been getting these creepy e-mails lately. And then tonight, this woman shows up and she knew things about me.
Lucas: What kinda things?
Peyton: She said she's my mother! My mom's dead, Luke. I was there in the hospital! I watched her die!

OK, so, check it out, Tom Sawyer. If you're lucky, I might let you help me, and if you're really lucky, I might even let you pay to help me.


Lucas: So, the whole summer and I still can't get used to that hair of yours.
Peyton: What? You did yours last spring and mine actually looks good.
Lucas: Hey!

Lucas: Went to the airport this morning to pick up my mom and poof, there was Brooke.
Peyton: Poof?
Lucas: Poof.

[voiceover] Yes, losing your heart`s desire is tragic. But gaining your heart's desire? That`s all you can hope for. This year I wished for love... to immerse myself in someone else and to wake a heart long afraid to feel. My wish was granted. And if having that is tragic, then give me that tragedy. Because I wouldn`t give it back for the world.


[voiceover] The journey lasted eight months. Sometimes I traveled alone. Sometimes there were others who took the wheel... and took my heart. But when the destination was reached, it wasn't me who'd arrived. It wasn't me at all


Deb: I miss Nathan.
Karen: I miss Keith.
Peyton: I miss Jake.
Brooke: I don't really miss Felix, at all. Or my parents that much. But I miss my money.

OK, first off, I wanna say happy 67th birthday to Peyton Sawyer. You were pretty cool back in the day. Um... and to... Jenny Jagielski, who is... wow, um, like in her 50s now. Uh... your dad... sure loves you. Plus, he's a total fox. OK. Well, if you're young and you're watching this, uh, you guys know what you're up against, especially if you're a girl, it's... sex, right, and... and even fifty years from now, I'm guessing it's still a really big deal. You know, it's awkward... and... threatening... and thrilling. But, in a way, it's like sex is the easy part. You know, it' your heart to somebody; that's the scary part. I lost my way, a little bit, this year. But.. lately it's been better. You know, um, it's pretty amazing how.. temptation can be silenced by a ray of hope. But.. when the face to that hope is a boy's face, I guess, for me, hope comes with trust issues too.

Jake : You know, um... I wasn't entirely honest with you, before.
Peyton: About what??
Jake : The reason I came back.
Peyton: You said you were tired of running.
Jake : .... Yeah, but... that's not the only reason. See, the whole time that I was gone, I kept... thinking about all this stuff that I should have...done... when I had the chance, but didn't.
Peyton: Well, like what kinda stuff?
Jake: ...I don't know. Mostly being with you.

Mr. Turner: Maybe so but there are counselors you can talk to. Literature you can read.
Peyton: Okay, I'm ... I'm not gay, Mr. Turner!!! But you know what; if I was I wouldn't let other people tear me down because of it and I sure as hell wouldn't be looking for my answers in one of your pamphlets!
Mr. Turner: Policy is clear, Peyton. Remove the shirt or be suspended.
Peyton: Fine. [takes off her shirt and throws it at him] Can you hear my song now, Mr. Turner?
Mr. Turner: Enjoy your suspension, Miss Sawyer.

One Tree Hill Quotes

I found my other half.


Jerry: Dude, were you really just plunging toilets?
Mouth: Yeah, we really gotta stop serving tamales at happy hour.
Jerry: You know how guys are, huh?
Mouth: It was the girls' bathroom.