I have some simple rules when I'm getting ready for a big performance. First, no milk. Makes you too phlegmy. Second, no doorknobs. They spread infections. So do kisses. So what if I have some superstitions, too. I never step on cracks and sometimes I walk backwards. And everyone I see becomes a metaphor for the things that could stop me. I just give each one my gold star death stare. None of them stand a chance.

I vowed not to speak with you unless William and Kate got pregnant, Liza passed, or unless one of us was in grave danger.

Finn sends me cute text messages all the time. They're usually puns about my boobs, but I still appreciate the effort.

Rachel: While we applaud your proper use of the terminology, we told Mr. Schue: we do not support disco.

Rachel: Look, I need to be in New York and I need you with me. I can't do this without you.
Finn: I just want you to be really sure. I want you to be really sure that you are in love with me and not who you want me to be.

Rachel: I wanna get married. Now.
Finn: I have Gym.

Rachel: We're finally getting married.
Artie: When is the baby due?

Rachel: You gave me a dead pig for Christmas.
Finn: It's not dead yet. You gotta get it fat first.

Where's my bling?

Finn: All I want for Christmas is you.
Rachel: All I want for Christmas is you, too. And five things on that list.

Rachel: We're kind of friends huh?
Quinn: Kind of.

Kurt: I'm gonna lose unless I pull a JFK.
Rachel: You're gonna shoot Brittany?!?

Glee Quotes

I've got a full ride to a little school called the University of California in Los Angeles. Maybe you've heard of it. It's in Los Angeles.


She may be difficult, but boy can she sing. Bravo!
