MEREDITH: "The reason that I want you to have the surgery is because I have this hope, that in a year, two years or five, they're gonna have a breakthrough. They're gonna find a cure for Alzhiemer's, and you and I will have another chance. To get to know each other. You'll get a chance to know me, to see that I am not even remotely ordinary, so I wish you would have the surgery. But it's up to you Mom, it's your life."
ELLIS: "You remind me of my daughter."
RICHARD: "About an hour ago. One minute she was here, the next- I'm so sorry."
MEREDITH: "Me too."

RICHARD: "Men who... have gray hair are noticed less than men who... don't."
DEREK: "By who?"
RICHARD: "Well..."
PRESTON: "By the ladies?"
MARK: [coughs trying not to laugh]
DEREK: "Looks good Chief."
RICHARD: "Very natural."

RICHARD: "What’s the news?"
MARK: "Shepherd and Grey are on the rocks, Burke and Yang got engaged... You need highlights. In your hair, that’s why it looks so odd."
RICHARD: [stares blankly]
MARK: [smiles] "I’m gonna go save lives!"

IZZIE: "I'm sorry, I ran out of sterile drapes. I had to use some guys t-shirt. He wasn't sweaty or anything, he was a clean guy, but..."
RICHARD: "Okay, call the OR tell them we're comin' up."
IZZIE: "I also dropped a scalpel in the field and by that time I had used all the alcohol swabs on the drill bits so... I think we should load him up on antibiotics. Lots and lots of antibotics."
RICHARD: "Stevens, you put a drill through a man's skull and didn't hit his brain. You saved his life. Get cleaned up and get to the OR, you've got work to do."
IZZIE: "The OR?"
RICHARD: "Yes, the OR. You're officially off of probation."

RICHARD: "What's your ETA to the hospital?"
IZZIE: "That's what I'm saying, we can't get him out. He's stuck under a car, we can't get him out."
RICHARD: "Okay, first you need to stay calm."
IZZIE: "I can't stay calm. Calm was over minutes ago. Calm is gone. Calm is an impossibility. I got his best friends out here and I can't let him die, so please, just tell me what I need to do."

RICHARD: "That's Ellis Grey's little girl!"
PRESTON: "We're all on the same side here, Chief."

[to Ellis] "You’ve been gone a long time. And I know you think you died when the Alzheimer’s started. I know it’s a relief to you. I know. But it doesn’t feel like a relief to me. I’m not relieved. I miss the sound of your voice. I miss talking to you. I miss you... I dyed my hair. For the ladies."

"You think that if you get me laid, I'll let you become chief."

MARK: "There´s no need to be embarrassed. It's time to shake off the rust and get back in the game. I'll be your wingman."
RICHARD: "I have nothing to say."
MARK: "We´d make a great team."

MARK: "Not just surgery, but chief of surgery!"
WOMAN: "Really?"
RICHARD: "Um, well, not for much longer."
MARK: "I’m gonna go, over there. Hold down the fort, Chief."

RICHARD: "The last time I tried to pick up a woman I had a Harvey Wallbanger in one hand and an afro pick in the other."
ADDISON: "Oh, Richard."

RICHARD: "Yang, what is that smell?"
CRISTINA: "That's feces. Baby feces."

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
