Roger: What happened there?
Jack: Korea.
Peter: We're grateful for your sacrafice.

My uncle lost his leg, hitching a trailer. He used to ask me to scratch his toes. He didn't have any.

A wooden leg...They're so cheap they can't even afford a whole reporter.

I love how they sit there like a couple of choir boys. You know one of them's leaving New York with VD.

This was supposed to be an advertisement for the firm.

With my hair you can't even see me in here.

Freddy: I don't want Pete Campbell anywhere near this. I was surprised you took him along.
Roger: No comment.

If Lee Garner Jr. wants three wise men flown in from Jerusalem, he gets it.

Why don't we just bring Dr. Lyle Evans in here?

I have to warn you, they won't know it's over until you drop the big one, twice.

We beat you and we'll beat you again. And we don't want any of your Jap crap.

Psychiatry is just this year's candy pink stove.