Since when is forgiveness a better quality than loyalty?

I told him to be himself. That was pretty mean I guess.

Roger: Who do you report to?
General: The President.
Roger: Of What? William Morris?

Roger: That don't seem to give awards for what I do.
Joan: And what is that?
Roger: Find guys like him.

Don: I wouldn't be good company anyway.
Roger: That's never bothered me before.

Joan: Poor Ida.
Roger: She died like she lived: Surrounded by people she answered phones for.

Every time I think back, all the good stuff was with you.

Well, I gotta go learn a bunch of people's names before I fire them.

It's good not to be the reason this place went down anymore.

Listen, doctor, we know there's a black spot on the X-Ray, you don't need to keep tapping your finger on it.

Don: I slept last night for the first time in a month.
Roger: You slept? Really? You weren't smiling over the taste of shit that would be in everybody's mouth over breakfast today?

Don: Miss Calvet and I are getting married.
Roger: Who the hell's that?