Carrie: He's a photographer.
Samantha: And you met him at your shrink's?
Carrie: It wasn't a setup or anything. Jeez! What if he's crazy?
Samantha: It's the crazy ones that have the good pills.

Stanford: Excuse me, but when did wild sex come back in style?
Carrie: Oh I think that was the weekend you spent at the Barney's warehouse sale.
Waiter: (male, barely dressed) Three cosmopolitans, a diet coke, and a vodka martini with a twist.
Samantha: (whips the table) I said olive! (Waiter bends over, and Samantha gives his butt a whipping) Bad waiter! Bad waiter!
Miranda: What do you tip for that?
Samantha: Anyone else want a whack?
Charlotte: How does he wait our tables dressed like that, it's humiliating.
Carrie: Well the summer I worked at Howard Johnson's I had to wear an orange hat.
Samantha: Don't be so judgemental! This is just a sexual expression. All these people have jobs and pay their bills. They're just having fun with fetishes. (tickling Charlotte with the tip of her whip) Hmm, I wonder what your fetish is.
Stanford: Charlotte has a thing for Crabtree & Evelyn foot cream.
Charlotte: I don't have a fetish!
Samantha: We all have a fetish! The difference between us and them is, they're putting it out there where everyone can see. And I think it's healthy and fabulous.
Carrie: (getting up) Well, it was lovely to see you all. And remember ladies, whipping on the first date is considered forward.
Stanford: You sit your ass down, Mistress Carrie, there are drinks present.
Carrie: No can do, Big's flying to Paris tomorrow for business and I want to say goodbye.
Samantha: Oh, why not give him a goodbye he'll never forget? (hands the whip and top hat to Carrie)
Stanford: Sacre bleu!
Samantha: Go get 'im, girl!

Carrie: It's about the fact that I wasn't even a factor in his decision-making process.
Miranda: Totally.
Samantha: Men do this all the time. Women walk around thinking "we", and their version of "we", is "me and my dick".
Miranda: Totally!

Samantha: I need a new gynecologist. Do you like yours?
Miranda: Not right now, no.
Samantha: Well, at least she's a woman. I tried to go to a man, but it was just too strange. Having a guy spend all that time down there and then you leave, without an orgasm and a bill!

Charlotte: I've never done a number two at a guys place before.
Samantha: Honey, you're so uptight you need to do a number seven.

Samantha: I never leave underwear at a guy's place, because I never see it again.
Charlotte: What happens to it?
Samantha: Nothing, I just never go back.
Carrie: Doesn't that get a little expensive, disposing of lingerie everytime you sleep with a guy?
Samantha: That's why I stopped wearing underwear on dates.
Miranda: And that's why, I'm never borrowing a dress from you again.

Carrie: Half my music collection was left behind by past boyfriends.
Charlotte: I always give that stuff back.
Carrie: Oh I don't. I consider it a parting gift. Thanks for playing and here's the latest from Hootie and the Blowfish.
Samantha: They're sexual souvenirs.

Charlotte: I'm so confused. Is he gay or is he straight?
Carrie: It's not that simple anymore. The real question is; is he a straight gay man, or is he a gay straight man?
Samantha: Hopefully, he's a gay straight guy, which means he's straight with a lot of gay qualities. Whereas, a straight gay guy, is just a gay guy who plays sports and won't fuck you.

Samantha: Relationships have been on a decline since women came out of the cave, looked around, and said, "This isn't so hard."
Carrie: Okay, so you don't need a man, but you still want one.
Samantha: Oh honey, I want more than one.
Carrie: I can't decide whether you represent our future or our demise.
Samantha: I am the future!

Mirnada: When a single guy has money, it works to his advantage. But when a single woman has money it's a problem to be dealt with. It's ridculous! I want to enjoy my success, not apologize for it.
Samantha: Bravo, honey.

It's so interesting, you can tell a man I hate you and you'll have the best sex of your life, but tell him I love you, and you'll probably never see him again.

Samantha: How's he in bed?
MIranda: There are no words.
Samantha: Sounds like a dream relationship to me.
Carrie: Yeah, he can make you cum then he can make you a cosmopolitan.

Sex and the City Quotes

It's like the riddle of the Sphinx. Why are there so many great unmarried women, and no great unmarried men?


(After Carrie gets off Mr. Big's car)
Carrie: Wait! Have you ever been in love?
Mr. Big: Abso-fucking-lutely.