Samantha: Andrea, you know something and I want to hear it.
Andrea: There was an incident a few years ago. You and I were coming out of a club.
Samantha: And?
Andrea: Sorry, usually by now, you're like "Oh my God" and then you remember everything.
Samantha: Just tell me the story!

...The meaning can be interpreted in countless ways, like that statue of a giant clothespin.

Andrea: God! That's my boss! There must be some kind of line he's crossing here, right?
Samantha: It's not happening if you don't look at it.
Andrea: Like poverty.

Samantha: You know what? For some reason, I'm not welcome into the apartment that I own.
Frank: Maybe because you tried to destroy his relationship with Chloe.
Samantha: (mumbling) I don't know... I'm not a mind reader.

I was reading an article the other day, by which I mean I was watching tv, and it said that happiness comes from realizing which things in life you just can't control and then controlling them, even if it kills you. That might not have been the lesson. I was flipping around.

Samantha: Since when is she [Dena] your best friend?
Andrea: Who got up in the middle of the night to pick her up when her stupid car ran out of gas last month?
Samantha: Me.
Andrea: Oh, so now all of a sudden you have a memory. That's very convenient.

It really is the hardest part, that despite our very best efforts, some things just aren't meant to be while things that are meant to be, they seem to find a way.

Dena: Well, are you a heroine who's willing to risk everything she has to win the stable boy she loves? Or you're a heroine who just gives up and throws herself on some rocks.
Samantha: Todd won't return my phone calls. There's nothing that I can do.
Dena: (nods her head) Rocks.

Samantha: You think you can just propose and then touch me.
Winston: What's wrong? Georgette and I are through. Are you still with that boyfriend of yours? Ted? Fred?
Samantha: Frod. Todd! No.
Winston: Then there's nothing in the way.

Andrea: It's not the money...I swear I would love him if he was just a millionaire. And he's getting divorced. Should I go for it?
Samantha: Andrea, he is charming, good looking, rich and available. If you don't go for him, I wi...
Andrea: (interrupting, threateningly) ... I'll tear you apart.
Samantha: I was kidding.
Andrea: Yah, me too.

Andrea: I hate you, and I don't like your shoes today. And if you fell off the face of the earth, I wouldn't even care.
Samantha: (crying) Good... there's more billionaires for me.

Winston: Samantha Newly, the day we've been waiting for is finally here. Marry me.
Samantha: Screw me.

Samantha Who? Quotes

Sam: Couple of good things about being in a coma: no fattening food, lots of rest, they sponge you down every day. It's like a spa. Bad things: my nose itches, I have something called the "Pina Colada Song" stuck in my head, and, oh yeah, sometimes I can hear what people in my room are saying.

Sam: Good things about amnesia: all new clothes, no re-runs. Bad: every minute is like that dream where you haven't been to class all year, and the test is now.