Is it because you're a man you think you can manipulate and diagnose everybody or is it because you grew up rich and privileged and you think everybody else is simple and repressed?

Scarlett: Gunnar, I’ve made my peace with the past but it doesn’t mean I want other people knowing about it. I’m ashamed of what they might think of me; what a weak person I must be to keep taking you back.
Gunnar: Ok, I’m sorry. But for what it’s worth, I think you’re dead wrong. I think you’re so damn strong. I’m thankful for that. Every day.

I’m seeing myself but not from the outside, not like a picture. You’ve shown me from the inside. You’ve shown me what I look like in my own mind. That’s what you did.

Scarlett: It was a farm at the end of a dirt road with a rural delivery address. But it was my whole world. Well until I took my first airplane ride and I looked down and I saw Natchez, Mississippi, my whole life really, and it fit between these two fingers.
Damien: No wonder doing the video scared you.
Scarlett: You scared me.
Damien: Maybe you scared yourself.

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Rayna: Nothing like being in a relationship with an artist. Two artists together? Lord help you.
Scarlett:Yeah, all we seem to do is hurt each other and I'm starting to wonder is that just the way it's supposed to be?
Rayna: I don't know. I think no relationship is ever one thing. You can start out with this great connection then the next thing you know, it's gone.
Scarlett: You feel like you ever get it right again?
Rayna: Oh yeah. If you're lucky lots of times.

Because you're the beautiful girl and I'm the frog. You always get to decide.

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Scarlett: I met him for lunch.
Gunnar: So, in other words, you slept with him?
Scarlett: No.
Gunnar: But you're going to.

Gunnar: You realize I'm kinda screwed here?
Scarlett: How so?
Gunnar: If I put my foot down and tell you not to see him, you'll just resent me. If I turn my cheek and look the other way, you might just be fool enough to run off with the guy.

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Gunnar: What am I supposed to do, Scarlett? To win your trust back. Do I follow you around like a puppy? Do I challenge the guy to a duel because I'll do it, Scarlett, if that's what you want. I'll do anything, just tell me what you want me to do.
Scarlett: I don't know.

Scarlett: I'm pregnant and you're the father.
Damien: Wait, let's slow things down for a minute. That's impossible.
Scarlett: You do understand the process of conception?

We’re having a baby!

Damien [to Scarlett and Gunnar]

Scarlett: I wish I was having puppies so I could give one to everybody and we could all go on our merry way.
Deacon: That would uncomplicated things considerably.

Nashville Quotes

Deacon: Rayna took her knocks.
Juliette: What? In a mansion in Belle Meade?

Maddie: ...and side boob.
Rayna: Side, what the hell did you just say?