Nancy: Does he mean any less to you?
Silas: No. You do.

Nancy: The safe?
Silas: Never told her the combo.
Nancy: That must be second date material.

First you fucked me. Thanks. Then you fucked my business. And then randomly my Uncle's bike shop.

Do you guys have a body count? Cause the Botwins do.

Ema: Ever been to therapy?
Silas: I already fucking know: it's all about my mom.

Shane: He downloaded our database.
Silas: Fucking rat.
Shane: I prefer the term informant.

Silas: You had Emma arrested.
Nancy: Emma had Emma arrested.
Silas: That's bullshit.
Nancy: That's business.

You know how I said the only two things she really cares about are her business and herself? There’s one other thing.

(to Silas) You decide - are you going to be a lone wolf or stay with the pack?
