Ted: I would like to start the staff meeting on a happy note. We have a little bit of exciting news.
Sock: You finally moved out of your mom's house

Sock: Oh, you know what? I'm a little relieved that Sara's bun didn't come out of my oven, if you know what I'm talking about.
Ben: How could it possibly be yours?
Sock: Well, Ben, let's just say I had a very vivid dream and leave it at that, okay?

Sam: No matter what Greg does to Andi, he can't stop her loving me. I just have to remind her of that, I can't lose.
Sock: Back up. Andi loves you?
Sam: Well of course she does.
Sock :She said that?
Sam: I... not in words.
Sock: Okay, 'cause no offense, really, but I've known you for what, 14 years, and I only sort of like you. You can be pretty irritating. I'm sorry, but... see, 'cause I love these shoes. Love is a complicated emotion, Sam. Full of tingly feelings and frustration and anger

Ben: Naked photos in a family album, Sock?
Sock: Yeah, Ben, that's what loving couples do, okay? Josie and I have enough photos of each other's junk to fill a library. Plus, Johnny Immigration will be so shocked he'll have no choice but to believe you guys are together.
Sara: That makes some sense.
Sock: Yeah, that's why I said it

Andi: What, you guys couldn't even wear one of your tuxedo t-shirts. I mean, I know each one of you have one.
Ben: Actually, there's just the one. We share.
Sock: It's a rotation

Josie: First off, you're a complete moron to even be in this situation.
Ben: No one disputes that I'm a moron.
Sock: I tried to stop him, baby.
Ben: No you didn't.
Sock: No I didn

Sock: I'm gonna say a prayer when we do it.
Sam: Sock, she's a demon. I don't' think she'd want prayers.
Sock: I'm gonna sing some Sabbath when we do it.
Andi: That'll be real nice, Sock

This is the first and last time you will ever hear me say these words, but we shouldn't be drinking tonight

Sam: At least they hooked you up with that weird suit.
Ben: Yeah it was a present from an attempted murderer I met.
Sock: That's an attempted murderer suit?
Ben: Yes.
Sock: Nice. Can I try on the jacket?
Ben: Hands off.
Sock: I let you try on my homeless guy pants. Come on.
Ben: Not the same

Marlana: Every time I kiss you, it sort of shaves about a year off of your life.
Sock: Uh, but that would be the ass end of my life, right? The crappy years?

Sock: It's an unbelievable rush. I don't even know how to describe it. All I know is that one kiss from her and I felt better than I've ever felt in my entire life.
Ben: What does that even mean?
Sock: Okay, do you know how good you feel when you wear your bike pants?
Ben: Yeah.
Sock: Yeah, it's like that times twenty
Ben: Oh. I want a taste

You know what, Sammy, I don't know what to tell you to make you feel better right now, I don't. But I do know how to blow stuff up. So I figured, play to my strengths, right?

Reaper Quotes

Hey, no shame in community college, K-Fed. I almost went


Sam [about the vessels]: Wait. So, they're not all little vacuums?
DMV Demon: The boss gives you the vessel he thinks you can handle. You must be a real moron