Kenneth! I knew you'd come back. Let me smell your head.

Liz: The next time you hallucinate just tell yourself "this is not real. I am in control of this."
Tracy: Like the World Cup.

Why don't you come back home to TGS and pick the peas out of my fried rice... and the rice. I just want carrots.

Tracy: Well, I'm embarrassed to say I've missed the birth of both of my sons... for very legitimate reasons.
Dot Com: Cooking a French bread pizza and forgot.

Dot Com: Also we took Tracy's cell phone, his wallet...
Tracy: ... and my mood ring! And I don't know how I feel about that.

And good for you Liz Lemon. There's something about you lately... makes me want to put my feet in your mouth.

If I were a real werewolf I'd wear baggy clothes so my nice clothes wouldn't get all torn up.

Wow, it's like I always say...white cab drivers are weird!

Tracy: So for me to be there at the birth of my daughter, I have to answer trivia questions despite having gone to middle school in an Exxon station?
Ben Bailey: Yeah.

Centennial is a hundred years, because centipeding means having sex with a hundred women.

She is a orca, Benjamin. And FYI, they're very difficult to keep in a home aquarium.

Tracy: Why's that baby covered with goop?
Dr. Spaceman: Because everything about this is disgusting.