It's like a black Barbie doll in Arizona! Nobody's buying it!

I've learned the word 'black' in every language, just so I know when to be offended.

Get ready, son. All you've ever known is your affirmative action job and Queen Latifah Cover Girl commercials.

Just because he'd run away and cause traffic accidents and impregnate neighbors' horses. He's trapped here just like me!

First of all, the secret service never gave me back my t-shirt cannon.

You sound like my mother being pulled on stage at a 2 Live Crew concert.

Who cares? She's awesome and so am I. I want Serena Williams to be my mother!

Tracy: [on his new movie] Garfield 3: Feline Groovy. It's a pun. Because cats' paws have grooves. They're paying me one million teacher salaries.

I remember being born, of course, and I remember learning to ride a bike. But that was last year.

Tracy: Well I'm sorry Sean, and child actor whose name I can't remember. You haven't walked in my shoes! All my life I've tried to forget the things I've seen: I slept on an old dog bed stuffed with wigs! I watched a prostitute stab a clown! Our basketball hoop was a ribcage! A guy in dreds electrocuted my fish! a crackhead breast-feeding a rat! A homeless man cooking a Hot Pocket on a third rail of the G train! The G train, Nermal!

Do a sloppy job and they'll leave you alone. That's how I got out of foreplay with Angie ... and my taxes.

... then I need you to be back by noon to make the bathroom smell like sandalwood before I wreck it.