Hey new dad - give me twenty bucks and I will never call you new dad again.

Jules: It's not like I was super cool.
Travis: Is that you dancing on stage with Bruce Springsteen?
Jules: Yeah that was super cool.

Do me a favor at graduation; don't make a crazy big deal about it.

Jules: All together now -
Everyone: If it's on the internet, it must be true!
Jules: Exactly now, everyone sip please.
Travis: Afternoon booze bags. What are we celebrating now?
Jules: Science.

Travis: Are you watching me sleep?
Jules: You don't usually wake up.

Ellie: Wow so it's either college twenty minutes away in Sarasota or twenty hours away in California. Which one do you want him to go to?
Jules: Doesn't really matter what I want. It's his choice.
Travis: The weather is so good in California.
Jules: Yeah, and it also has earthquakes and race riots. So you know, everybody just calm down.
Ellie: And there it is.

Bobby: When your mom and I were married, I cheated on her.
Travis: What? No! Wait. What? Let me pick something off the floor, my jaw.
Bobby: You know?
Jules Everyone knows. The guy at the pizza place would say two medium pepperonis and you deserve better.
Travis: I figured it out when you gave me lollipop not to tell mom when you were taking a bath with a Native American.

Jules: If you go to college within six hours, I'm gonna drive there and if you don't we can rent the same movie and watch it while we're on the phone.
Travis: Sounds horrifying.

Jules: I can't believe your school makes you do photography projects. It's like they cater to the weird, artsy fartsy kids.
Travis: I started the photography club.
Jules: Cool.
Travis: Nice save.

Jules: Travis, come here. If I die I need to know that you will never be able to move on.
Travis: How about I grieve for three months but then I look for you in every girl I date?
Jules: Deal.

Grayson: Oprah says talking on your cell while driving is crazy dangerous.
Travis: Does Oprah say anything about how lame it is for a grown ass man to watch Oprah?
Grayson: Nope, she loves us.

Travis: I'm sure it's not that bad, let me see.
Barb: No! Innocence should be lost in the bedroom... or on a commercial cruise liner.

Cougar Town Quotes

Jules: You see that young gentleman there, I'd love to lick his body
Woman: That's my son
Jules: Ooh, he looks smart

Jules: When a 40-something guy gets divorced, it's always: "Way to go, Tiger!"
Grayson: We don't call each other Tiger. It's always Champ, or Samurai.