Vince: I'd just be happy to avoid a Razzie
Drama: There's nothing wrong with a Razzie
Turtle: Johnny's gonna go for the hat trick if he ever does another movie
Drama: I only have one Razzie, asshole

Jamie Lynn [on the phone]: Your big cock is in my mouth...
Turtle: That's where it likes to be!
Turtle's Mom: Who's that on the phone!?!?!

Drama: I'll give you tips on how to audition, bro.
Turtle: He needs tips on how to successfully audition!

Hot girls driving limos...I like that! Call it "Lim-hos!"

Turtle: Why'd you call last night?
Jamie Lynn Sigler: My therapist says I'm attracted to losers.
Turtle: Lucky me!

Turtle: You wanna hide me, consider me hidden!
Jamie Lynn Sigler: Seriously, I eat here all the time.
Turtle: Really?
Waitress: Hi Jamie baby, how you doin'?
Jamie Lynn Sigler: Really.

I got nowhere to go, Jaime. In fact, I'll move in if you want me to!

Turtle [to Jamie Lynn Sigler]

Drama: There's the director.
Turtle: Should I just gun it and run him over?
Drama: Or should we take the slow and painful approach and piss in his OJ?

Drama: Took the opportunity to inflict a little damage.
Turtle: What kind of damage?
Drama: The "number two" kind!
Turtle: You took a shit in his trailer?
Drama: ...let's just say revenge is best served "a la commode."

Drama: That whole world is deviants, bro. The dudes bang each other while the chicks watch, the chicks bang each other while more chicks watch...
Turtle: And yet nobody would let you watch anything!

Turtle: You guys think I could sell myself to old broads for cash?
Eric: Yeah, if they had vision problems

Turtle: Where's Arnold?
Drama: He's right there, I've been watching him.
Turtle: That's a rock! Are you kidding me?

Entourage Quotes

They drive that way in Tienanmen Square, bitch?


Turtle: Kristin's fucking Vince Vaughn!
Eric: What are you talking about? She's back with that restaurant guy...
Turtle: She was in the middle of 40 Deuce with her hands down Vince Vaughn's pants.
Eric: She had her hands down his pants?!
Drama: Yeah, both of 'em.
Eric: Vince Vaughn?! That puffy motherfucker?!
Drama: Nah, bro, he didn't look puffy at all. He was looking real good.
Turtle: Yeah, it was kinda like "Swingers" Vince Vaughn, not Old School Vince Vaughn... it's kinda like New School Vince Vaughn

Entourage Music

  Song Artist
Song Lemon And Lime Daniel Lenz
Soul Of A Man Beck iTunes
Song Shutterbugg Big Boi iTunes