It wasn't a pitch, I got ambushed by a fetus in Ferragamos

I gotta pitch to someone who knew Paul Newman had a career before a salad dressing

Wendy: ...and I have to admit I needed the attention
Nico: You should have called us, we wouldn't kissed you
Victory: Unless you want us to

Wendy: Hector still owns this company, you can't fire me.
Griffin: I just did.

Wendy: How do you spend your whole life with someone and not know who they are?
Victory: Don't look at me, I don't even have a cat.

Josh: Your mother is on line two
Wendy: Tell her I'm in a meeting
Josh: I did. She said I should be replaced

Wendy: Are we supposed to start talking about birth control?
Shane: If we did it'd probably be best you had that talk. If I'd have known about it she wouldn't be here.

I'm your mother, though according to this [fake id] I gave birth to you in the third grade.

Wendy: I just spent my first all nighter since college. You know it's a lot easier when you're 20.
Nico: What isn't?

Nico: I'm sorry I'm not living up to your high moral standards these days.
Wendy: No, don't do that. I'm not the one who flew my boy toy half way around the world for a booty call

Kirby: Teenagers are a handful, huh?
Wendy: I'm sure you can relate

Shane: I know she's your bff and all...
Wendy: Did Maddie teach you that?
Shane: Yeah..

Lipstick Jungle Quotes

I can't think less of you. You've smelled like mop & glow for the last week.

Victory [to Roy]

Wendy: Sounds like someone is driving without breaks.
Victory [whispers]: Gun it.