Will: You worried about Peter?
Alicia: I'm worried about everything.

Court is a lesson in humility.

Diane: (about the merging) Good job.
Will: Not me, you. It's like Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
Diane: As long as we're the ones snatching.

Diane: This is a betrayal. You said that you would support me.
Will: I didn't see the facts.
Diane: Now the facts are important to you? In court, you couldn't give a damn.
Will: Come on, Diane. It's money! It's about keeping our doors open. My father drove his business into the ground giving money to everyone he knew. And I'm not going to make the same mistake.
Diane: You know what you just did? You just lost your certain vote.

Cary: (to Alicia and Will, before taking Alicia's deposition) This is funny, isn't it? All these connections. My old workplace, my old boss, my old coworker... and my new boss competing with your husband. And then there's you two and... your thing.
Will: Chicago. Shall we start?

Will: I heard peer review was rough.
Alicia: A bit. How important is it?
Will: I don't know. We're trying to figure that out. You think it's stupid?
Alicia: I think it encourages people to denigrate each other to save their jobs.
Will: I read your reviews. You didn't.

Will: In Chicago, you need your friends three times: at your wedding, your wake, and your first indictment.

Will: Kalinda is to be given a salary bump over Blake's. He is not her supervisor.
Bond: No.
Will: Then we got a problem, because this is the deal. Either we bump Kalinda's salary above Blake's, or the waters won't be calmed.

I have great control over my face.


Great. We have a dictator for a client.

Will: So you decided to change?
Alicia: Yep. Into what I wore the night you banged me the first time.
Will: That's pretty low of you.
Alicia: I know. I wasn't so discriminating back then.

Alicia: Hey! You got top billing!
Will: I'm an impressive person.
Alicia: I never doubted it for a minute.

Good Wife Quotes

Cary: How are things in the bar attorney trenches?
Alicia: Same as there only without the fees, resources or muffins.

There is a mutiny brewing below deck and we are going to start losing good, young associates because of him.
