Joe: Do you want him dead?
Beck: What?
Joe: Kind of feels like you and he have some unresolved stuff. Believe me, I'm the king of unresolved family issues. I know what people splitting feels like. I just wonder if uh, look, he's here and he's alive, use that as an opportunity to talk to him, or you're a writer, could be helpful to write about it; cathartic.
Beck: What are you doing? Do you hear yourself right now? Who the hell are you to tell me I have daddy issues?! You don't even know me!
Joe: Beck, Beck, I --
Beck: Just go! Leave me alone; I'm serious.

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YOU Season 1 Episode 4: "The Captain"
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YOU Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Ugh, Beck. You're a disaster.

Beck Voiceover

What was that, eight seconds? Oh yeah, he has that Trump just took Pennsylvania look. Say something. Say, it happens all the time, NBD. No, you'll sound like a slut. You could say let's order food and move past it.

Beck Voiceover