Diane: You can’t be judging cases thrown at you by David Cord if David Cord is financing your court. That is corruption.
Cord: I have absolutely no vested interest in any of these cases. None.
Diane: Well, how is that possible?
Cord: I’m stepping away from my businesses. I want to work on this country. I want to bring it back. I’m retiring.
Wackner: I know my promise won’t do much good here, but I don’t care if Jesus himself financed my court. I’d cash his checks and judge against him. I’m the most untouchable man on earth. You know why? I’ve got nothing to lose and nothing to gain.

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The Good Fight Season 5 Episode 4: "And the clerk had a firm..."
The Good Fight
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The Good Fight Season 5 Episode 4 Quotes, The Good Fight Quotes
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The Good Fight Season 5 Episode 4 Quotes

Carmen: What does Mr. Rivi need?
Charles: Well, that’s what our conversation is gonna be about. See, Oscar likes to help his friends, and he considers you a friend.
Carmen: Oh, I don’t need any friends, Mr. Lester.
Charles: Well, you do on this one. First, you can’t tell anyone I was here or how you heard this. You have to promise me.
Carmen: Promise.
Charles: You said that too fast. Think about it, then promise.
Carmen: Promise.
Charles: Good, so Oscar has friends in the police department, and in about 10 minutes a search warrant is about to be served on someone close to you.
Carmen: Who?
Charles: Someone at your firm.
Carmen: Yeah, who?
Charles: The police are not actually serving the warrant. The FBI is, and that’s how Oscar got the information because the police hate the Feds.
Carmen: And who is being served?
Charles: Let me see. I have this on one of those notes.

Charles: Can I come in?
Carmen: I would rather it was during work hours.
Charles: You know I would too, but we just have 12 minutes to discuss an important issue.