Gregory: I’m not saying it was all worth it or that everything was perfect after that, but looking at you, looking at 19, I went through hell to get to where I am, Miller, to get you all her with me. I walked through fire.
Dean: I know, sir. I’m not saying you didn’t. I know you walked through fire. I’m just saying that we shouldn’t have to anymore. I’m trying to put out that fire. That fire that you walked through, sir, I’m trying to cut the gas line altogether.

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Station 19 Season 4 Episode 10: "Save Yourself"
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Station 19 Season 4 Episode 10 Quotes

Dean: Who needs calls when we have a whole city of nostrils to swab. Remind me why we’re letting half our neighborhood into our well-maintained bubble?
Vic: Well, we’re in the middle of a pandemic, and we’re first responders, and it’s a way to help our community.
Dean: Or it’s a way to let germy people into our bubble.

Emmett: I’m sorry if I was harsh about the letting it go thing. That wasn’t really fair.
Travis: No, it was fair, and you were right, and I’m ready.
Emmett: Oh yeah?
Travis: Yeah, I think I'm actually ready to move on.
Emmett: Oh, did you meet somebody?
Travis: Uh no. I’m just ready to I guess.
Emmett: You and me both.