Theo: We should run into each other on purpose some time.
Vic: Uh, I’m not really dating right now. Global pandemic.
Theo: Who said I was asking you out on a date?
Vic: Right, I was…
Theo: I totally was. Now watch as I handle the rejection gracefully.

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Station 19 Season 4 Episode 5: "Out of Control"
Station 19
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Station 19 Season 4 Episode 5 Quotes, Station 19 Quotes
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Station 19 Season 4 Episode 5 Quotes

Sullivan: Just this 90-day separation from my wife, it’s wreaking me, but Dr. Shephard said it’s necessary, so…
Richard: Did she say it was necessary, or did she suggest that it might help you focus on your recovery?
Sullivan: I’m a rule follower, see, so if you tell me a rule, I follow it to the letter. Are you saying it isn’t a rule?
Richard: Robert, there are no rules in a 12-step program. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking or using. Shephard gave you a suggestion based on her experience.
Sullivan: Are you telling me that I can be with my wife?
Richard: Does your wife support your sobriety?
Sullivan: Yes.
Richard: Does being around her cause you to crave alcohol or drugs?
Sullivan: No.
Richard: You and I are here to work these steps. There are nothing in those steps about separating from the people who love you.
Sullivan: Yes.

Jack: Yeah, I’ll be late, though. I got to help Marcus with his online classes.
Travis: You mean you got to go see your girlfriend Inara.
Jack: I told you, just friends.
Vic: Oh right friends like the ones you sleep with, live with, raise a child with. That kind of friend.
Jack: Whoa, one, I sleep on the couch. Two, I’m not raising any children because I’m more like his…
Dean: Step-daddy?
Jack: Inara and I are just friends. Why is that so hard to believe?
Vic: I don’t know. Have you met you?
Andy: Jack, I believe you.
Jack: Thank you.
Andy: I believe that you believe you’re just friends.