Marissa: What’s so funny?
Jay: Just how the partners’ ideas on comedy lack…
Marissa: Actual humor.
Mailroom worker: Yeah, and grit and grime. I like my comedy like I like my women.
Marissa: Dirty?
Mailroom worker: No, sharp and mean. When we were kids, we used to cut each other up.
Jay: At my school, we used to crack on each other about everything. If you had a limp, speech impediment, if your hair was too nappy, too straight. If you were fat or looked starved.
Marissa: Are you serious? We peed in a girl’s shampoo bottle.
Mailroom worker: That crosses a line.
Jay: Now it’s like you need a permission slip to tell a joke.
Mailroom worker: That’s why I printed up these. Boom.
Marissa: Oh my god, a permit to tell a joke. I love it.

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The Good Fight Season 5 Episode 4: "And the clerk had a firm..."
The Good Fight
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The Good Fight Season 5 Episode 4 Quotes

Carmen: What does Mr. Rivi need?
Charles: Well, that’s what our conversation is gonna be about. See, Oscar likes to help his friends, and he considers you a friend.
Carmen: Oh, I don’t need any friends, Mr. Lester.
Charles: Well, you do on this one. First, you can’t tell anyone I was here or how you heard this. You have to promise me.
Carmen: Promise.
Charles: You said that too fast. Think about it, then promise.
Carmen: Promise.
Charles: Good, so Oscar has friends in the police department, and in about 10 minutes a search warrant is about to be served on someone close to you.
Carmen: Who?
Charles: Someone at your firm.
Carmen: Yeah, who?
Charles: The police are not actually serving the warrant. The FBI is, and that’s how Oscar got the information because the police hate the Feds.
Carmen: And who is being served?
Charles: Let me see. I have this on one of those notes.

Charles: Can I come in?
Carmen: I would rather it was during work hours.
Charles: You know I would too, but we just have 12 minutes to discuss an important issue.