Bender: So, Nixon, even if you miss your body, being a head's great too, right?
Nixon: No, son. It's a sad and lonely life.
Bender: Aw great. Now you tell me.
Nixon: That's my style. I like to kick 'em when they're down.

Nixon: Now look here, you drugged out communist. I paid for this body, and I'd no sooner return it than I would my little cockerspaniel dog Checkers.
Checkers: Bark.
Nixon: Shut up, damn it!

Bender: You know, I like it here. What's the rent on one of these jars?
George H.W. Bush: Sorry, Bender, but we just can't allow every Tom, Dick, and Harry to move in. No offence, Jefferson, Nixon and Truman.

Sure, humans are cute, but how else are we supposed to test cosmetics?


Farnsworth: I can't believe it. He won by a single vote.
Bender: Well it ain't my fault. I'm a non-voting felon, thank you.
Fry: Well it's not my fault either 'cause I forgot to vote.
Leela: Oh, crud. I knew there was something I meant to do today.

Fry: What party do you belong to, Bender?
Bender: I'm not allowed to vote.
Fry: 'Cause you're a robot?
Bender: No, convicted felon.

Leela: There's a political debate on! Quick, change the channel!
Bender: Hey, that's what Fry said when we turned on the debate!

Bender: So then the hookerbot says, "That's not my expansion slot" and my friend says, "That's not my gold-plated 25-pin connector!"
Washington: Oh, Bender. Thou robots really cracketh me up.

Computers may be twice as fast as they were in 1973 but your average voter is as drunk and stupid as ever. The only one who's changed is me. I've become bitter, and let's face it, crazy over the years. And once I'm swept into office, I'll sell our children's organs to zoos for meat. And I'll go into people's houses at night and wreck up the place! Muhuhahahaha!


Farnsworth: The problem with both parties is that they always want to give your tax dollars to the less fortunate.
Fry: The less fortunate get all the breaks!

Linda: In other local news, disaster struck on Saturn's moon of Titan today, when a titanium mine collapsed, trapping 1,000 robot workers.
Bender: What? Lord have mercy!
Linda: Unless something is done quickly, the trapped robots will be dead within 300 years. Sir, what rescue operations are planned?
Mine Spokesman: The plan is basically to pave over the area and get on with our lives.

Zoidberg: You know, Fry, you could join a third party, maybe.
Amy: Only weirdos and mutants join third parties.
Zoidberg: Really? I'd better keep an eye out at the next meeting.