What's that you say? I can now afford the waxed floss again?


Trust me, you could use a little salsa in your white rice.


Caroline: Where did you get the idea that I only date white guys? For your information, I once had a Spaniard in Monte Carlo.
Max: Isn't that the title of an Abba song?

Johnny: What's Happening"?! Come on dude! You have a literature degree from NYU!
Caroline: I didn't mean to say that but when I get nervous my Rico Suave comes out

Female customer: I don't know who you are or where you came from-"
Max: Neither do I.

I know they're smart because they're the first people to order the Croque Monsieur as Croque Monsieur and not Crock Monster.


Call him right now! He can't come over here. Look around. I have his napkins hanging up everywhere, he'll think I'm Dexter!


Max: He was fake interviewing me with a celery stalk.
Caroline: Cause you're both grown-ups?

Relax, the bed will be done by the end of the day. Cause I've decided to do what cute girls have been doing for centuries. I asked a guy for help.


Johnny: You realize my art won't be worth anything until I'm dead?
Max: Why do you think I keep inviting you here to eat week after week?

Peaches: Max, we're using our spa voice today.
Max: Use my spa voice? Okay...I can't afford this!

But the name sucks a big one! Homemade? It sounds like home-schooled. Like we're churning out cupcakes that aren't comfortable around other people.


2 Broke Girls Quotes

You think this (clicking the fingers) is the sound that gets you service, I think that´s the sound that dries up my vagina.


Hey, when you get a second, stop staring at my boobs.
