You two can talk about America all you want. But I'm not going to listen, because there's no i or me in America.


What America needs it four more years of the stuff Obama's been doing. Like, umm, the one with the guy. It was at night, and I feel like he was standing next to a fence.


Like any penis, Florida is very complicated.


Don't give up. That is not the Lisa Loeb I know.

Tracy (to Liz)

We have to spend all of our wonderful money and help my hair mentor Mitt Romney become the 11th legitimate President of the United States.


A room full of rich people can...change the world.


I needed to unite the room around a common enemy and Ed Begley Jr. wasn't available because the sail on his car broke.


I hope it's gay...male gay, because with the ladies it's too much hiking.


Reginald: Donaghy, still over at NBC with all those communists and homosexuals?
Jack: Reginald I believe you're thinking of the White House.

You look like that flash card they told me means sadness.


Liz: Show him how funny women are.
Jenna: Are we though?

There are no bad ideas Lemon, only great ideas that go horribly wrong.
