It's the story of us. Here lies the lineage of an ancient tribe known as the Bright Born. Their power, boundless as the night. Their love began with absence and desire, two hearts becoming one. When fear overcame them.


Jack: He's a witch, isn't he?
Matthew: I don't think it's quite that simple. But his witch DNA does seem to be dominant.
Jack: Do you think he'll be able to cast spells?
Matthew: I think he already has.

I thought I'd lived far too long for there to be any revelations for me to see. For years, I feared witches and their power, little knowing I would come to think of one as my daughter, one who's given me two beautiful grandchildren. My only regret is that Philippe isn't here to see them. He would be very proud.


Baldwin: Vampires with blood rage are never in control, not absolutely.
Matthew: If I was out of control, Baldwin, you'd already be dead. I have never and never will bring shame upon the de Clermont family and neither will our children.
Diana: What if I gave you my word that any member of our scion with blood rage can be brought under control. Would you then recognize Matthew as the head of his scion?
Baldwin: You can't make that promise.
Diana: I can, I swear, that if any of them act on their blood rage, I will spellbind them.
Baldwin: And if it fails?
Diana: Then our scion has failed, and we will submit to The Congregation.

Matthew: You weren't exploring, were you? You were patrolling. Benjamin wouldn't dare to set foot on de Clermont territory.
Jack: You don't know that.
Matthew: Even if he did, he wouldn't get close enough to hurt you.
Jack: It doesn't matter about me.

Matthew: There is a reason we do not turn children to vampires.
Diana: She came to us this way, Matthew.
Matthew: And what else has she inherited from me?
Diana: Well, if she has blood rage, then we'll deal with it.

Phoebe: You know I've been thinking a lot recently.
Marcus: Me, too.
Phoebe: I've been thinking about our future. How and when am I going to become a vampire?
Marcus: When you're going to become a vampire not if?

Gerbert: Congratulations on the new arrival. Mother and babies doing well?
Baldwin: As far as I'm aware.
Gerbert: Do we know what they are yet?
Baldwin: Babies, I believe.

Maybe it's not milk she needs.


I looked inside Diana. She has power, but she doesn't know how to use it. Not as I can now. Everybody thinks she's the witch from the prophecy, a witch that is destined to surpass us all. [dramatic pause] But who actually is that witch?


Diana: Timothy, we need to prove to The Congregation that their cruel and antiquated laws are the reason that creatures are suffering. This page will complete The Book of Life, make it whole again.
Weston: You don't have to explain it. I know exactly who you are. You're the one who will learn how it all began -- the blood, the death, the fear, and the one who can put a stop to it for once and for all.

It must be so exhausting being you, Satu. Can't you just enjoy yourself for once?


A Discovery of Witches Quotes

I'm still not comfortable around magic, especially after what happened to my parents. I still find it... I just find it difficult.


Once the world was full of wonders, but it belongs to humans now. We, creatures, have all but disappeared. Demons, vampires, and witches hiding in plain sight, fearful of discovery, ill at ease even with each other. But, as my father used to say, in every ending, there is a new beginning.
