Daisy: Lash was tracking us. He knew where our truck was. He needed inside info for that.
Coulson: You think he's got access to ATCU information?
Daisy: No, I think he's in the ATCU. We know that he can transform himself into a regular size guy and back. What if he's hiding out as one of them?
Coulson: That's a scary thought.

Andrew: Hey, did Lincoln tell you where he is? I mean, he'd be safer here under our protection.
Daisy: I know, but he doesn't believe me. He won't tell me, but I'll let you know when he does.
Andrew: Great.

Hunter: Lash is an Inhuman. Inhumans have markers in their DNA. If we test Banks' blood for markers, we'll know if he's Inhuman or not.
Daisy: That's actually kind of smart.
Hunter: Thank you.

Fitz: What, you don't think I should help Simmons rescue Will?
Hunter: Do you think you should? He's the competition. If your girlfriend's ex wants to visit from Phoenix, you do not buy him a plane ticket.
Fitz: That's really specific. Anyway, this guy kept Simmons alive. I owe him. He deserves my help.

May: We find the Strucker kid, he'll lead us back to Ward.
Bobbi: You got a how?
May: S.H.I.E.L.D's been monitoring several Hydra bank accounts for a while now, one just woke up. Cayman Islands.
Bobbi: Strucker needed funds, makes sense. So what's the op?
May: How's your Mandarin?
Bobbi: [In Mandarin] You tell me.
May: If we head down there, maybe we'll pick up his trail. He's on the run from Ward. From us. Almost makes me feel sorry for the kid.

Hunter: Is that a person?
Daisy: Oh God.
Hunter: Is he dead?
Daisy: No they're monitoring him. He's alive.
Mack: But in, some kind of what... a coma?
Daisy: This is ATCU. This is where they're storing Inhumans they find. Like animals in cages.

Gideon: You've made some mistakes in your game play. Using von Strucker's son as a pawn when he shouldn't even be on the board yet.
Ward: You see, that's just typical of guys in your generation. You don't even know the game I'm playing. Von Strucker is more than just a pawn.
Gideon: And now he's a liability. He knows too much. Just tell me if I'm wrong. You burned that asset. S.H.I.E.L.D. is looking for him, which means so are you. And I know where you can find him.
Ward: And you'll just tell me that? Why?
Gideon: Sometimes you sacrifice a player to save the game. You just remember, when I come calling that I chose a side.

I don't know what happened to him. If he's alive or dead. But I never would have survived without him.


Will: That thing has been killing everyone that's come through here for centuries.
Jemma: How long have people known about the monolith? And why keep sending people when there's no way back? It's as if they're being sacrificed.

Jemma: Perhaps it's best if we start over since we're going to be working together.
Will: Working together? On what?
Jemma: On getting home.
Will: There's no getting home. Sooner you accept that the better. Survival's all that matters.
Jemma: I will not accept that. There's always hope.

This is Doctor Jemma Simmons updating the file on the monolith Fitz and I have been studying. I now know that it is an alternating matter transportation device. A portal. Quite remarkable really, I've been transported to an unknown planet. In a different solar system.


Everyone always said we could read each others minds, Fitz. So, I really need you to read mine right now. I'm alive, but I'm terribly alone and afraid. So I really need you to come and get me, okay? I know you won't give up, so I won't either.


Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Quotes

Kasius: Yo-Yo Rodriguez? How peculiar.
Yo-Yo: Says the space mime!

Sousa: Hey, what are you doing up?
Daisy: Why do you care?
Sousa: Because you don't.