He's acting like a robot version of himself right now.


Ward: How attached are you to your pinky?
Fitz: Very, very attached.

Ward: Are you familiar with the term slam and cram?
Fitz: No and I don't think I want to be.

The people who put these ops together are the best of the best. They know what they're doing.


Don't do anything rash while I'm gone, like jump out of an airplane.


Everyone's wearing the same suit. Can someone tell me why?


I didn't realize that Big Brother was this big.


Whatever you do, don't breathe. That was a joke.


You died. There's no way you can go through a trauma like that and not come out of it changed.


I'm doing what we always do. We're going to fix this. Together.


I wanted it to be a person. Some super powered psychopath. Someone I could hurt. Someone I could punish. That I could do. What I can't do is protect you guys from stuff I can't even see or understand.


I've been where you are right now so please believe me when I tell you you don't have to be afraid.


Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Quotes

Kasius: Yo-Yo Rodriguez? How peculiar.
Yo-Yo: Says the space mime!

Sousa: Hey, what are you doing up?
Daisy: Why do you care?
Sousa: Because you don't.