Serena: Something wrong, Beverly?
Beverly: Eat shit, Serena.
Serena: Well, aren't you a nasty woman!

Welcome to Trump's America, motherfuckers!


Ivy: People like you don't deserve to have a say. You don't matter anymore.
Winter: Consider yourself silenced, bitch!

Believe me, Beverly Hope. If you get the world scared enough, they will set the world on fire for us.


Meadow [of Vinny's dead body]: Who's that?
Harrison: My boss.
Meadow [of Kai]: Who's that?
Harrison: Someone to believe in.

Harrison: You're the only thing that keeps me going. You are. You're positive, and you're optimistic, and you're transformative, and I'm not.
Kai: Harrison. I'm just a mirror. Anything you see in me is in you. I am you. And if I say you're great, then you're great.
Harrison: I'm great. I'm great.
Kai: You have to live your life the way it was meant to be. To live is to suffer. And to suffer is to find some meaning in that suffering. Do you understand?

Harrison: I mean, how many times has that ever worked for you? Five, six times max?
Meadow: Twice.

  • Permalink: Twice.
  • Added:

A man with no label has an allegiance only to what is right.


How does it feel to exercise your white privilege and execute people of color with impunity?


Ivy: Ally... this thing you're becoming. This is not the person I married. I have been sensitive to your fears. I've dealt with the mental imbalances. I even tolerated the fact that you voted for Jill fucking Stein instead of Hillary.
Ally: You said you weren't going to bring that up again...

Stop saying sorry. For anything. That makes you nothing. Everything is somebody else's fault from now on. Do you understand? You wanna be somebody? You wanna matter? Then you make the world wrong.


Are you going to waste my time? Do you understand how valuable my time is — how much it means that I'm here doing this for you? This is a revolution!

Kai [yelling]