Stop! Stop! I am a citizen of the United States and I demand to see your permit. What chemicals are you spraying into our air? The public has a right to know! Stop!


Ally: Sweetheart, you just have to trust mommy on this one, okay? Please say your goodbyes.
Oz: I wish I could say my goodbyes to you.

Ally: Look, I know that I'm supposed to be responsible for all the positive and negative energies that come into my life...
Dr. Vincent: Who told you that?
Ally: I don't know — Instagram?

Meadow: You don't belong here. We want racists out of our neighborhood.
Ally: Your neighborhood? We were here first!
Meadow: Tell that to the Native Americans!

This latest scandal comes at a time of increasing tension in this normally peaceful community, beginning with the shocking murder-suicide of Councilman Chang and his wife. Police are reporting a threefold increase in calls to 911. Now, we're seeing the collective rage and suspicion of this community has a focus, and it's a woman who critics are calling a "lesbian George Zimmerman."

Beverly Hope

I'm in so much trouble, aren't I?


Vote Kai Anderson. Vote for the man who can take your fear away. They're out there.


Lesbians! We're under attack.


Oz: Am I asleep, or are you real?
Clown: You're asleep.

It's scary to be brown these days.


Are you going to melt all this metal down and make a bridge?


You see, you need to give a humiliated man some way to redeem himself in his own eyes, or else he's at risk to be drawn into darkness. Like Germany, after World War I.
