Well, now, who the hell is going to unload the car? (Into phone) Hola? Is Rosa still alive? No? Oh. Ok. This is not my day.


Maeby: You don't have to worry so much. I mean, obviously your dad doesn't want to spend time with you, but, you know, go to the beach or whatever.
George Michael: He's just not around, ok?
Annyong: He no have father? Old lady adopt him, too?
Maeby: No, he have father. Father no love him.

White Power Bill: No more teaching from you.
George Sr.: No teaching, no teaching.
Narrator: It was at that moment that George Sr. reunited with his son-in-law.
George Sr.: Tobias, what the hell are you doing here?
Tobias: I'm here to study with you. To learn from you. Teach me.
George Sr.: There's no teaching. There's no teaching.

Michael: Where are these people going?
Lindsay: I'm taking them out to lunch.
Michael: Did you reserve a restaurant? Are they taking their own cars?
Lindsay: Oh, they'll figure something out.
Michael: No, they won't. You don't have a plan? I told you these people are sheep, and they'll wander off and you'll lose the sheep. You've lost the sheep.

Ted: We, uh, finished the proposal and, uh, we're gonna order some pizza. Um, we were wondering if we could have two toppings, on account of it's Saturday.
Lindsay: Well, he's not here, and since I'm in charge, I'm taking you all out to lunch.

Maeby: Who's this?
Buster: Oh, I'm sorry. This is Annyong.
Annyong: Annyong.
Subtitles: Hello.
Buster: My mom bought him. She's making me register him for school. He's my new little brother.
Maeby: So, we're related. Hey, do you want to go to a dance?
George Michael: Oh, great, another uncle to compete with.

Maeby: I thought your dad worked last weekend.
George Michael: No, last week he had to finish planning the new subdivision.
Maeby: Oh. So, did he finish it?
George Michael: No. Hey, are you trying to make me feel bad?
Maeby: Yeah, I guess. Sorry, I'm just bored.
George Michael: That's ok.
Maeby: I guess he just likes work more than he likes you.

Buster: I need a different job. I'm having real trouble in a confined, indoor space.
Michael: How do you feel about working outdoors?
Buster: Uh ... What else do you have?

Michael: Well, you have a job now, and since Kitty's gone, you can earn your check by answering the phone.
Lindsay: Michael, it's Friday. Everybody coasts on Friday.
Michael: It's actually Saturday.
Lindsay: Finally. I'm out of here. I'll see you Tuesday.

Michael: Lindsay, how can you just come in here and ask me for a paycheck?
Lindsay: Well, I usually ask Kitty, but she's not around, and you're the only one here that I've ever seen before.

Michael: You get a paycheck from the Bluth Company?
Lucille: Well, it's important to the company that I keep up the image of my lifestyle.
Michael: Illusion, Mom.

They've got a bus, and they want to use parking lot to this building as a meeting place. I mean, for God's sake, it's not a hardware store. We can't have them hanging around like a bunch of freeloaders looking for an easy buck.


Arrested Development Quotes

I don't want no part of yo' tired ass country club, ya freak bitch!

Franklin (Buster)

George Michael: Is that a screenplay? Warden Gentles' screenplay?
Maeby: That's what you're going to tell me.