Oliver: I get the feeling that I'm going to be really, really really proud of how you turned out.
William: Yeah, well, I didn't just turn out. Um, there's something I should tell you. I'm gay.
Oliver: Yeah buddy, I know.
William: You know?
Oliver: Yeah. Felicity and I knew. And, we just, well we hoped that you were gonna come out to us when you were comfortable. You clearly didn't get that chance. And, that's on me so, I'm sorry.

The Monitor: You ache for the world you lost, and I possess the power to restore it.
Laurel: You can bring back my Earth?
The Monitor: The recovery of your universe will require a single task.
Laurel: What kind of task?
The Monitor: You must betray Oliver Queen.

Mia: You've lost people, right?
Oliver: Yeah, too many.
Mia: Does the guilt ever leave?
Oliver: No. You can learn to live with it. I can help you with that Mia, if you'd like.

I'm tired of waiting for the day when people stop being afraid of the Glades and start coming here to raise their families. To find opportunities for growth and change. To uplift our brothers and sisters. To be better than we ever were before. If we keep waiting, we might run out of time. That's why, from here on out, we don't wait for our future in the Glades. We make our future now.


Curtis: This is my favorite part.
Oliver: Suit up.

  • Permalink: Suit up.
  • Added:

Knowing what's happened can either destroy us or save us. We've seen our worst. Now, let's be our best.


Thea: I'm going to miss you. Everyday I miss you.
Oliver: Goodbye Speedy.
Thea: Bye Ollie.

Thea: You know, I've been thinking a lot about Mom and Dad lately. Wondering what they would think about the lives we've chosen. All of the mistakes they made, all the lies they told in their own very, very messed up way. They thought they were protecting us.
Oliver: Well, they weren't, they didn't.
Thea: No, but it did help us become the people we are today. It turned us into heroes. We can't change the future Ollie. The past teaches us you might as well not bother trying to.
Oliver: When did you stop being my baby sister?
Thea: No, I never did. I just grew up a little bit.

Mia: We're going to get you out of here.
Zoe: Tell, tell, tell my dad, tell him I'm sorry about everything. That I love him.
Mia: Hey, hey you're gonna tell him yourself. Okay? You are because we are, we're gonna get you safe. Okay? I got you. Zoe, I got you. Zoe? No, no, no, no, Zoe?

Dinah: Oliver?
Oliver: What's going on?
Rene: That's a very good question.
Mia: Dad?

Tatsu: Sometimes, the mission is not worth the cost. You know that. So, why are you still doing what he asks?
Oliver: Because if I'm wrong, if I'm wrong then all of this is for nothing. Do you understand Tatsu? I left Felicity, I left my children. So if, if The Monitor can't fix this and if he is not here to help then all of these things that I have sacrificed and all of the things that so many other people have already sacrificed will have been for nothing! I need my family to live. Which means that I need this to work.
Tatsu: You are risking too much.
Oliver: There is no other choice.
Tatsu: There is always another choice.

Laurel: How am I supposed to move forward, when everyone I've ever loved is gone?
Lyla: By not giving up. By doing the right thing. We honor the dead by fighting for the living. This world needs you too.

Arrow Season 8 Quotes

I believe that fate brought the four of us together for a reason. Just like it did our parents when they decided to save this city. Now it's our turn. We don't want to mess it up, do we?


Oliver: I know how devastating it must have been to lose Thea. Because we're only as good as the people we have in our lives. I've lost people too, Tommy. I've lost people closer to me than I can possibly explain to you. Every one of those losses brings within a choice between darkness and light. Make the right choice. Are you going to kill thousands of innocent people or are you going to be the man I know you are?
Tommy: That was a pretty good speech.