Why would I want to hurt you? You're the closest link I have to Brynn. We're like kin.


Sally, this is what Donna was warning us about. This is why you can't see anybody from your past. They die.


Okay, one thing I do miss about being a ghost is that I woke up this morning and tried to whoosh myself down here and fell on my face.


Aidan: Oh wow. I just can't get over the fact that I can touch you.
Sally: You're not as cold as I thought you would be.
Aidan: Okay. That's weird.

You are so out of touch I can't even be mad at you right now.


Hey, we're outta here, chief. I'm taking Trent home like a goody bag.


Aidan: So. Reanimated corpse?
Josh: Yeah. But, let's be honest. You are also kind of a reanimated corpse. Technically speaking.

No, it's really me. Josh saddled up for me and sprung me out of limbo.


Stevie, you have no money. Nowhere to go. You're going to end up giving tuggers under the bridge for five hundred bucks a go.


Josh: Did she just say that Stevie Nicks was here?
Nora: No, obviously not.
Josh: Well, obviously, that's what she said. That's exactly what she said. She said that Stevie Nicks was here.
Nora: Why would she say that? Oh my God. The life raft! What if they just woke up in their coffins?

Josh: Yeah, I kinda get it now. He's super compelling.
Sally: I kinda want to make out with him.

Josh: How is a witch entrusted with feeding the needy? I'm just wondering.
Nora: Why would you insult her?
Josh: I'm nervous. And this is weird. Please just give me that, okay?

Being Human Quotes

Every human spends a night or two on the dark side and regrets it. But what if you only exist - on the dark side?


We're all hiding something, aren't we? From the moment we wake, look in that little mirror, all we do is spin our little lies.
