Seriously, is it totally crazy time to try to pursue a relationship with someone when you're both dead?


You know what? You're a ghost, talking to a werewolf making an egg-salad sandwich. I no longer computer what's weird.


Nora: You're such a nerd
Josh: Yes, but a sexy nerd. I'm like a living oxymoron.

That awful need to touch someone; be touched. For some of us, it just won't die. And eventually, that need will take you to your breaking point. Frankenstein's monster, poor bastard, couldn't stop reaching out. But, Dracula had it easy. He drank, he killed. End of story. He wasn't interested in being friends.


I've been watching you with him. You must have been a father once. Probably a great one, right?


Cindy: Are you trying to use my son to pick up girls? Because that only works with babies.
Aidan: No, puppies are good, too.

Nora: Oh, you have soft lips.
Josh: I'm a big lip balm guy.

Okay, I don't know what being 'wolfie' means, but I do know that you haven't gotten laid in two years. Josh, be the wolf.


Sally: Did you double down on antiperspirant? You tend to sweat a lot when you're nervous.
Josh: I went through half a speed stick.

I do love to watch you squirm. It's as though you're an artist and awkward is your medium.


I'm bored. Can I go back and watch Josh wash up urine?


Aidan: You know, I've been thinking about last night, and you were right not to make a move.
Josh: Really?
Aidan: No. Look at them. Josh, you can't let Nora go out with that bastard.
Josh: Maybe she's into bastards; I don't know. As long as she's happy, right?

Being Human Quotes

Every human spends a night or two on the dark side and regrets it. But what if you only exist - on the dark side?


We're all hiding something, aren't we? From the moment we wake, look in that little mirror, all we do is spin our little lies.
