Josh: God, Aidan. What are we supposed to believe in if we can't believe in you?
Aidan: You can. I just hope you can forgive me.

I obviously don't know you. So, you tell me. Have you ever in your endless life cared enough about anything to actually take a stand?


Aidan: Josh is the only family I've got.
Rebecca: It didn't have to be that way.
Aidan: This is not the way to take your revenge on me.

Josh: And, he's a werewolf, too. They're going to make us fight each other.
Sally: What?!
Josh: Yes! That's the level of shock I was looking for.

Brother, it was decided long ago. Different strokes for different sects.


The Professor: Tonight, you turn.
Josh: Yes, I know. And I would not like to do it down here, with you, sir.
The Professor: That's why they brought you here. It's a dog fight, son.They watch you turn, they drool over your tortures. They bet money on who will rip who to shreds.
Josh: You're serious.
The Professor: The winner keeps fighting; trapped the other 29 days of the month.
Josh: And the loser?
The Professor: The loser dies.
Josh: So where's the other guy? They keep him locked in an isolation room with a piece of raw meat or something?
The Professor: For the last 15 years, they've kept me here.

The Professor: You're a werewolf son, for them this is sport.
Josh: Vampires?
The Professor: Of course. They call me The Professor.
Josh: Well that's nice. You've been down here for a while, you've got yourself a little nickname.

Rebecca: He was the closest thing I'll ever have to a son. The closest thing I'll ever have to sharing my blood.
Aidan: I'm sorry.

It's perfect for you. Cause I guess that's my thing; my echo. I meet a guy, he's great, I lose myself in him, he's going to solve all my problems. And then I just disappear into his.


Aidan: Hey, I can get more blood.
Bernie: I don't want it! It makes me sick! It tastes like puke!

Things have gotten out of control.


Nick: I forgot you can see us.
Josh: Yeah, and your sex cloud, or whatever this is. It's gross, okay, it spreads out. I'm afraid to breathe because I don't want to inhale part of you.

Being Human Quotes

Every human spends a night or two on the dark side and regrets it. But what if you only exist - on the dark side?


We're all hiding something, aren't we? From the moment we wake, look in that little mirror, all we do is spin our little lies.
