Donno: We have addresses of loved ones, parents, children, and pets. I also have my saw, as well as other things.
Verr: Sometimes it's better if he doesn't talk.

Alicia: Did you tell her?
Verr: No. Not the right time.

Ren: Is something wrong? You don't just give out compliments.
Verr: I do, sometimes. But that's not our way.

Not that my opinion counts, but I do think a move out of Canada would be good for Verr's health. Plus, Canada. I mean, it's Canada.


Cassie: We're taking you in.
Wolf: That'd be a mistake. We got a signal.

T-Lock: You know everybody thinks I'm so dumb, but I'm not. I'm not a bad person. No, Rachel saw that in me. And I'm just trying to do good by them.
Bob: You gonna get all weepy now? Or can we get to the shooting part?

Verr: We have business to discuss.
Alicia: I'm not leaving.
Verr: No, of course not. But you will be quiet and respectful. And keep your opinions to yourself.
Alicia: Can I chew?

Max: Does holding us hostage align with your idea of a simpler time?
Bob: That all depends on T-Lock. Hopefully, he does the right thing, and I can let you go.
Max: And if he doesn't?
Bob: Anarchy.

  • Permalink: Anarchy.
  • Added:

Wolf: What if I could help you find him?
Mark: We don't need your help.
Wolf: Yes you do. You just don't know it.
Cassie: We'll find them.
Wolf: Actually you won't. You won't find them without my help. I know where he is, where he will be. Both of them. Scarlet, too.

I wish you trusted me. Just know it's not gonna stop me from finding the girls.

Jenny [to Travis]

Rick: We kill the ones we love, Ronald. Sometimes literally. You already know that.
Ronald: I hope you're rotting in hell.
Rick: You'll be joining me. Any moment now. It's not so bad.

Jag: What is it with you two anyway? She would eat you alive, bro. Don't even go there.
Dhruv: I respect her. She's got skills.
Jag: Yeah. Okay. Well next time you're simping, ask her about Billy. Old boyfriend. Dead boyfriend.

Big Sky Season 2 Quotes

Dewey: You should be careful, Ms. Dewell.
Mark: Okay, let's go, Cassie.
Cassie: Are you threatening me?
Dewey: I'm just saying that it would be wise for you to be careful. Don't you think? Ronald is gone. Scarlet is gone. Best to leave it. They are watching you, me, everything.
Mark: Who?
Dewey: Walk away. And look after your family, Ms. Dewell. Hug them tight. Cherish.

Jenny: I miss the badge. I thought I was done with the job.
Tubb: Go on.
Jenny: And all I could think of, when I was staring at the hospital ceiling, was what it's meant to have that badge. The power it gives you. I have a second chance. A do-over. And I want to take it.