Phoebe: You're going to die. I had a dream about it.
Ronald: None of my dreams ever came true. My mother always said it's a sin to talk about your dreams. She called them dirty movies.

Jag: What is it with you two anyway? She would eat you alive, bro. Don't even go there.
Dhruv: I respect her. She's got skills.
Jag: Yeah. Okay. Well next time you're simping, ask her about Billy. Old boyfriend. Dead boyfriend.

Tubb: So, the cartel did come looking for their drugs and money.
Jenny: You want these bodies to stop dropping? I think this T-Lock is the key.
Tubb: Let's hope you're right.

Cassie: Almost everyone I love is gone. Whoever did this, I'm gonna get them.
Jenny: Whatever you need to do, I got your back.

This violence toward women, it's something Rick would do.

Wolf [to Agatha]

Scarlet: What is Wolf going to do?
Agatha: What's fair. Bad dogs face bad consequences.

Ren: You know what's sad? I'm smarter than you. Go ahead, laugh. But Mom knew it. You know what she said right before she died? She told me that you and Dad were never gonna be able to acknowledge it. But I know you know it's true. And it kills you.
Jag: I'm gonna call dad.
Ren: Of course you are.

Agatha: Everything is not fine, Wolf. Ronald killed a man.
Wolf: I know that! I've never put an animal down this size. I don't know the correct dose.
Agatha: A killing dose. That's all you need. Do it. Or I will.

Phoebe: Are you bad people like Ronald?
Wolf: No, Phoebe. We're good people. Isn't that right, Aggie?
Agatha: The best people in the world.

You know what my job is? Our job? Is to keep the people safe. If I let a drug war break out, I failed at that job.

Tubb [to Jenny]

Tubb: Jenny, don't make me regret this.
Jenny: Trust.

  • Permalink: Trust.
  • Added:

You brought a knife to a gunfight.


Big Sky Season 2 Quotes

Dewey: You should be careful, Ms. Dewell.
Mark: Okay, let's go, Cassie.
Cassie: Are you threatening me?
Dewey: I'm just saying that it would be wise for you to be careful. Don't you think? Ronald is gone. Scarlet is gone. Best to leave it. They are watching you, me, everything.
Mark: Who?
Dewey: Walk away. And look after your family, Ms. Dewell. Hug them tight. Cherish.

Jenny: I miss the badge. I thought I was done with the job.
Tubb: Go on.
Jenny: And all I could think of, when I was staring at the hospital ceiling, was what it's meant to have that badge. The power it gives you. I have a second chance. A do-over. And I want to take it.