Weitz: I am the director of the FBI.
Madeline: You are a pawn that I move around as I see fit.

Rich: What do you suggest you do next?
Patterson: I don't know. Maybe first lay off the new coffee.

I own you. Stop posturing.

Madeline [to Weitz]

My best players are in the penalty box. You want better results, get them out.

Ivy [to Madeline]

Kurt: So, what's your space-camp name?
Patterson: Don't.

Besides, if you get blown up and I don't, what am I going to say to your mother?

Bill [to Patterson]

How do we keep Weitz talking? I never thought I'd say that.


Madeline is running the FBI like it's Orwell Night at Comicon.


The world's on freakin' fire and you're all here comparing the size of your endowments.


Bill: What? Is it too sappy?
Patterson: No. Great minds, Dad.

We're being hunted and the hunter is very, very good.


Can we stop calling this place home? This is nobody's home.


Blindspot Quotes

Jane: Please take him alive. He's the only one that might have answers.
Kurt: We'll try our best.

Someone did this to me. Took away my whole life and I can't do anything about it.
