Danny: I got had by Mickey Patrick again.
Henry: Is that guy still around?
Danny: Slithering through life. I tell you, if he ever comes around looking for a favor from his cop friend again...
Jamie: You'll get had again?
Danny: Probably.

Danny: 3 grand. So you don't have to go to Bernie.
Mickey: I can't take this.
Danny: But you will.
Mickey: I don't know how to thank you.
Danny: Friend of mine told me, with guys like you, you have to hang onto hope. This is my way of trying to do that.

Frank: I talked to Hobbs and Renfrow. They say that you told them it was okay to look the other way on the domestics so that they could close a big case.
John: It's a little more complicated than that.
Frank: If you say this is for the greater good, I'll throw you out the window.
John: Not for the greater good, but we were closing a big case.
Frank: I don't give a damn if you were curing cancer. You don't use a woman as a punching bag.
John: That was not what I was intending to do.
Frank: Nevertheless, it's what you did.

Baez: Reagan, you gotta get your head out of all this Mickey stuff.
Danny: There was a time when I thought of him as the fourth Reagan boy.
Baez: And now?
Danny: And now I just count him out.

Anthony: Didn't you ever hear patience is a virtue?
Erin: I like action. I like results.
Anthony: You like action and results and you're running for DA?

Danny: You came back East for a fresh start?
Mickey: That's right.
Danny: So why did Olana have the number of a guy like Bernie Mendez?

Frank: The police were called to your home for eight domestic incidents, is that right?
Woman: At least eight.
Frank: Do you have any idea why your husband never got any more than a slap on the wrist?
Woman: Isn't that for you to tell me?

Frank: So she stabs her husband and the first thing she does is run up the street to the police station?
Garrett: I know it's unusual, but it's not our place to do anything about this.
Frank: I know I can't fix the whole system, Garrett, but what I can do is make sure our part of it does not fail her again.

Sid: Looks like this fell through the cracks.
Abigail: Talk about an understatement.
Sid: She had an order of protection back in January, too.
Frank: So the crack it fell through was paved over.

Mickey: You're hiding something.
Danny: Forgive my companion. He doesn't like his teeth very much and is hoping someone will knock them out.

Mickey: Danny, please. I know you're thinking, same old Mickey. But I'm really worried about her.
Danny: 4 o'clock. I'll pick you up.
Mickey: Thank you so much.
Danny: I haven't done anything yet.

Cop: Ma'am, are you all right?
Woman: I just killed my husband.

Blue Bloods Season 13 Episode 12 Quotes

Mickey: Danny, please. I know you're thinking, same old Mickey. But I'm really worried about her.
Danny: 4 o'clock. I'll pick you up.
Mickey: Thank you so much.
Danny: I haven't done anything yet.

Cop: Ma'am, are you all right?
Woman: I just killed my husband.