Strawberry lemongrass is the flavor of our time!


Tina's killing it up there. And by "it," I mean "my interest."


Mr. Frond: Get ready for the time capsule that was buried at Wagstaff fifty years ago! Thank you, Mr. Branca, for digging it up.
Mr. Branca: Not my job, but it's okay.
Jocelyn: Oh, I thought there was a guy buried there named Tim Capsule.

Louise: Candy justice awaits.
Gene: Candy justice sounds like a show about a stripper who's also a judge.

Louise: We're gonna walk up to their house. They open the door. They won't see our faces. Tina, you'll do all the talking. Distract them by commenting on their décor, maybe something like the line we talked about.
Tina: "Check out that wall, where'd you get it? Walmart?"
Louise: Exactly.

I'm A positive. I remember cause it was my first A plus. And Bob's O negative. I remember that because I said "Oh, don't be negative just cause I got a better grade on my blood test, you!"


Louise: What if we go to that house, we totally just get candy normally, and we open the fart hatch and Gene does a little fart?
Tina: Nope.
Gene: Okay, so I just fart inside the snail and we all die like Roger?
Dolores: Too soon. Actually, no it's not.

Louise: I get it. I got my own little vendetta going on tonight.
Tina: Can't you both just move on? Halloween's about forgiveness! I think.
Gene: Forgiveness and Frankenstein. The two F's.

Mr. Fischoeder: Don't blab like you do.
Bob: Wait, what do you mean, like I do?
Mr. Fischoeder: Loose lips, wide hips.
Bob: Hm.
Mr. Fischoeder: Large nips, I assume.
Bob: Uh, I-I mean, yeah.

Move over Humpty Bogart and Ingrid Birdman, here comes Bob and Linda!


Teddy: Should we ask your mom and dad first?
Louise: No, no, no, no, no. We can't. Because it's for them. It's a present for their, um, anniversary, and that's, oh wow, that's tomorrow.
Teddy: Their anniversary's not tomorrow.
Louise: Oh yeah, I know. But the anniversary of the day that they first went swimming together is.
Gene: Their swim-iversary!

Bob: Uh, I-I don't think so.
Mr. Fischoeder: We'll give you a month's rent for free.
Bob: Okay, I'll do it.
Linda: A month's rent in one night is more than we make in a month!

Bob's Burgers Season 11 Quotes

Bob: I wanted to put the key on my key chain to be responsible, but I realized I left my keys in the car.
Louise: That way your car's just ready to go!

Bob: Twenty percent off an oil change -- we're probably supposed to be getting those.
Teddy: When was the last time you got one?
Bob: Last year, or, um, maybe the year before. I mean, definitely since Louise was born.