You can go to any site you want until your forearm seizes up.


Mars and Starla. Tell me that doesn't imply some sort of cosmic connection.


Ray: Shut up or I'll snap you in half.
Lloyd: You'll snap me in half? When will you snap me in half because maybe you haven't noticed yet but we are about to die.

What happened? You guys stop for a smoothie. We almost ate lead.


I got 25 years. It's not an experiment. It's my life.


Is it just me or are white people getting faster?


Motivation is like bathing. You've got to do it every day.


Hey Erica. Listen, when they need somebody to like run really, really fast I'll totally defer to you but when we're talking about discerning psychological traits through personal possessions, I got it.


Every time I taste real coffee, or I smell some perfume, or I look out that window and I see the water, it's just like this little tiny taste of freedom.


She's mungry. Man hungry.


Some girls might find that act charming, I want to knock this guys teeth out.


OK. Grandpa slippers, right there.


Breakout Kings Quotes

Lowery: Acute emotional deregulation, elevated rage distortion, no..
Charlie: So, Tilman is dangerous. OK. That's some insight.

Ray: And necessity being the mother of all evil...
Charlie: Invention.
Ray: Whatever.