Dude, I'm from Washington Heights. I've barely been on grass in my life.


The deal was minimum security. Now you want to throw me in Attica? Kiss my black ass.


Mechanic: Hey man, I'm just a mechanic.
Charlie: Yeah and I just have a tan.

Julianne: It'll be me. I mean the Marshals already tossed me once.
Lloyd: Like they'd really shoot Bambi.

I will not go back to making bunks and cleaning toilets just to hang a do on disturb sign on my ass.


I'm not like you. I don't wear my kid on my sleeve.


Charlie: Why is your underwear on a chair, Lloyd.
Lloyd: I sleep unencumbered, Charles. Sweet dreams.

Charlie: You like jokes Lloyd? You ever hear the one about the psychiatrist who got his teeth knocked out?
Lloyd: It wasn't funny, though.

For a traumatized Asian stripper she seemed really reliable.


We just put our fates in the hands of an ex-gangbanger convict.


You throw a rock in Queens you're going to hit a Jose Rodriguez.


He was a rat. He died a rat's death.


Breakout Kings Quotes

Lowery: Acute emotional deregulation, elevated rage distortion, no..
Charlie: So, Tilman is dangerous. OK. That's some insight.

Ray: And necessity being the mother of all evil...
Charlie: Invention.
Ray: Whatever.