Don't worry Ray, if he wigs me out I'll give you my safe word. But don't worry, I've never needed it before.


A little eye candy never hurt a negotiation.


Ellis: You can see those burn marks from over there?
Ray: I eat a lot of carrots.

Wow, pizza. After we just saved your ass from being blown up. What do we have to do to get a steak? Give you CPR?


Shea: I drive away from bombs, not towards them.
Lloyd: It's a sound policy.

Oh damn. White girl's fast.


Do you strictly salsa or do you also lambada because I've got to tell you that dance is strictly forbidden.


Dude's like a folk hero for crazy crackers.


Get me into town. Any problems and I'll stick you like a pig. Smile, OK?


Do you remember what you told me when I got kicked out of the Academy? You said if I didn't give up I could find my way back one day.


We need you Lloyd but if you ever get in debt again and jeopardize my gig here I will harvest one of your organs with my thumbnail.


You're having a lot of fun knowing he can't hit you, but I can.


Breakout Kings Season 1 Quotes

Lowery: Acute emotional deregulation, elevated rage distortion, no..
Charlie: So, Tilman is dangerous. OK. That's some insight.

Ray: And necessity being the mother of all evil...
Charlie: Invention.
Ray: Whatever.