The pink undies peaking out of his pants was a good start.


You told Erica to bottle it up. What kind of Guatemalan med school did you go to, Charlie?


Girls that look like her say let's go to St Barts, I go to St Barts.


Why is this very charming fellow still alive? I barely know him and I want to shoot him.


Shea: You couldn't keep up with Erica?
Ray: She's fast.
Shea: You're slow.

What do you think we think? That your favorite porno is Home Alone?


Shea: Oh snap. You dig Julianne.
Lloyd: Dig? What are we in the third grade?

Well, Boo hoo for your uncle Stumpy.


Two birds, meet one stone.


Roll away, dear Candace. Roll away.


That's why I don't hire family men. Survivor payments put my premiums through the roof.


This isn't a hospital, OK. This is a pickup bar for the grim reaper and everybody's putting out.


Breakout Kings Season 1 Quotes

Lowery: Acute emotional deregulation, elevated rage distortion, no..
Charlie: So, Tilman is dangerous. OK. That's some insight.

Ray: And necessity being the mother of all evil...
Charlie: Invention.
Ray: Whatever.