Amy: Don't say money because I know you're in debt.
Jake: Well, if you really knew me, you'd say crushing debt

Boyle: You wanna know why she went out with him and not you?
Jake: Yeah.
Boyle: Because he actually asked her out.

I think I figured out my persona for this year's Tactical Village. Introducing "Rex Buckingham", British secret agent, ballistics expert, ladies man.


Gina: But seriously, what’s your favourite Jay-Z song?
Interviewee: I dunno! Big Pimpin’? It’s Big Pimpin’!
Gina: Awww. Wrong answer, friend.

Boyle: Gina, you need to see this.
Gina: Oh Charles, I can't take that. It's clearly not cash and I don't have time in my life to return things.

Gina: So stop playing.
Holt: But...I'm just about to enter Sprinkle City.

Take a good look kids. This is what happens when you're naughty!


Jake: Don't get me wrong. I am thrilled to know that you used to like me and I will bring it up constantly.
Amy: Great.
Jake: Hey, should we make a left up here at "You used to like me" Lane or...
Amy: Ha ha.
Jake: I could always just cut across "Amy used to like Jake" Boulevard.
Amy: Stop it, or I'll crash the car!
Jake: Don't do that!

Boyle: No. What you smell is the burning wreckage of my relationship with Holt.
Scully: Soooo... there's no corn on the cob?

I just negotiated my baby girls down from a pony to a hamster. Little fools.


Jake, he is a sea-witch in disguise, do not sing into his shell!


I'm gonna rip your damn head off Grandma!
