Sasha: His name is Godot.
Michelle: Oh, so you're all waiting for Godot? You're so lucky you have fries.

You're in the business of teaching and should be paid for it. That's kind of how the whole capitalist thing works!


Ginny: His shirt is off. He's a god. Nobody tell Josh I just saw God.
Sasha: But I thought you and Josh were soul mates.
Ginny: I met him in the second grade how the hell am I supposed to know if Josh is my soul mate for Christmas sake?

Yes the jeans have pleats and I'm wearing a button the size of my head.


Fanny there's an assman in your bushes that wants to know what box he's in. Could that sound any dirtier?


Every day in your house is like a Kristen Wiig film festival.


Michelle: I'm totally paralyzed with rat fear.
Fanny: Just take a picture.
Michelle: For posterity?

Fanny: Best view of Oxnard is in the rear view mirror.
Michelle: You should Tweet that.
Fanny: I don't do that.
Michelle: Me neither.

This is a weird ass chair.


Oh, hey! Do you guys do layaways? See, when I was a kid, there was this store called Contempo Casuals and you could put a really cute outfit on layaway for three months and as long as you didn't get fat by September, you'd have a really cute outfit.


I've always been able to tell what everybody wants except for me.


Michelle: So wait. Ojai. You know, now that I think about it, I've heard really great things about that place.
Fanny: Impossible. It's dirty and and all the people are high on mushrooms and wear sandals.

Bunheads Quotes

You pay per boob? If anything in the world should be sold as a pair it should be boobs!


Sure, we dance our asses off for two hours, they walk out for five minutes, flash their boobs and bring the house down.
